Your research : 2 Results for չարեօք

Չարիք, րեաց


ill, misfortunes, adversity, disaster, calamity, misery, tribulation, disgrace;
evil deeds, malice, iniquity, rascality;
ill-usage, violence;
— ախտից, the effects of the passions;


չարեօք, badly;
չարիս գործել, to do evil, ill or wrong, to injure, to harm;
— խօսել զումեքէ, to speak ill of, to slander;
cf. Չարախօսեմ;
չարեաց ի չարիս վերանալ, դիմել, to rush from bad to worse, to grow or get worse and worse;
զփոքրագոյնն ընտրեա ի չարիս, of two evils choose the less.

Definitions containing the research չարեօք : 1 Results

Հանդիպեմ, եցի


to meet, to fall in with, to arrive, to come;
to find, to gain, to obtain, to attain;
to happen, to chance, to occur, to befall, to offer, to coincide, to tally, to jump together, to agree;
— միմեանց to meet each other, to encounter;
to attack each other in front, to clash, to meet face to face;
չարեօք —, to happen unluckily;
մեծամեծաց — շնորհաց, to receive great favours.